Craft infinite expressions with our AI face generator

Visualize in detail, let us generate the face. Share your specific features or just a mood, and watch our AI face generator bring it to life. From realistic to abstract, the choice is yours and the possibilities are endless.
Join over 1 million creators who love our AI face generator.

Every face, every emotion, realized to perfection

Whether it's for character design or a marketing campaign, our AI face generator crafts unique and expressive faces that fit your specific needs. Experience the ease of having the ideal visual without any complications.

Designers & artists

Elevate your designs with AI-generated faces that hit the mark every time. When you need that perfect expression or look, our AI face generator has you covered. User-friendly and top-notch in quality. Save time while pushing your creative boundaries.

Advertisers & marketers

Captivate and connect with custom faces tailored for your campaigns. From social media ads to product promotions, our AI face generator is your go-to solution. Boost engagement and ROI effortlessly with eye-catching faces.


For individual creators to large-scale projects, our AI face generator offers faces that suit any context and resonate with audiences. Make every visual impactful and memorable. Ideal for anyone looking to enhance their content without the hassle.

Visualize your face, no camera needed

Design your face images with ease and a touch of magic. With our AI face generator, simply describe the face you envision, and watch it come to life in pixels. New possibilities for your projects, every single time.

Turning thoughts into faces

Forget the hassle of finding the perfect reference photo. Our face generator style has got you covered. Just describe the face you want, pick the format, and there it is. No complications, just spot-on faces every time. Your vision, translated into a compelling visual.

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Unparalleled brilliance

  1. Within 30 seconds or less 

    In less time than it takes to check your phone, we generate your face. No waiting around, just immediate, attention-grabbing faces ready to make an impression.

  2. Stunning 8K clarity 

    Where others lack detail, we excel. Every wrinkle, every expression, captured in stunning 8K. Your AI generated faces will look incredible, down to the tiniest detail.

  3. Create faces on the go

    Whether you're jotting down ideas on your phone at the park or fine-tuning features on your desktop at the office, our AI face generator is with you, accessible on any device.

Sharing made easy

Once your face is generated, getting it out there is a breeze. Post it on social media, include it in a blog, or feature it in a presentation—our platform makes it straightforward to share your creation. Take your vision global with just a few clicks.

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Captivating human realism

From the twinkle in the eyes to the curve of the lips, our AI face generator captures every facial feature in high detail. Create faces that are not only visually accurate but also emotionally expressive. Get the perfect face for any emotion or scenario.

Vivid non human faces

Capture the unique essence of any creature, from the playful gaze of a puppy to the regal bearing of an eagle. Our AI doesn't just replicate; it breathes life into every face it generates, animal or human. Elevate your projects with realistic animal expressions.

Dashboard mockup

How does the AI face generator work?

Think it, describe it, and behold it. Turn your text into realistic faces in just a few moments. It's that simple.

Start with our AI face generator

Begin your facial adventure. Whether you're imagining a 'grinning kid at a birthday party' or a 'man with a suave beard', your description guides us. The more you tell us, the more accurate the face we create for you.

Pick your perfect size

Fit your generated face to where you need it. Presenting in widescreen? Go 16:9. Sharing a story? Opt for 9:16. Social media profile? 1:1 is your bet. We adapt to your needs, making the process smooth and easy.

Hit 'Generate' and get ready to be amazed

Click 'Generate' and see the magic happen. Explore variations of your AI face—each output provides four distinct looks. Once you find the one that clicks, it's ready for downloading and sharing far and wide. Your generated face can be the talk of the town or your own secret masterpiece.

Step beyond faces- explore our various photography styles

Every emotion, every moment, deserves its own canvas. With our curated photography styles, you're bound to find the perfect fit for your narrative.


Capture the essence of your subject with our Portrait style. This mode gives you a beautifully composed full-face view, making it perfect for artistic representations or professional portfolios.

Close up

Get up close and personal with our Close up style. Ideal for capturing intricate details and expressions, this style lets you zoom in on the unique features that make each face truly individual.


Present yourself in the most professional way with our Headshot style. Specifically designed for business profiles, LinkedIn, or corporate use, this style gives you a clean, polished look.


Step back in time with our Analog style, where warm hues meet vintage vibes. Perfect for capturing moments with a nostalgic touch, this style brings old-school charm to your AI-generated photos.


Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.
Get in touch
How does the AI face generator work?
It's super simple! Just type what kind of face you're thinking of, pick the format you like, and click 'Generate'. Our AI takes it from there and makes a high-quality face for you in no time.
Why choose Cohesive AI face generator?
We're the best at making super-realistic faces in top-notch 8K quality, and we do it fast—under 10 seconds! Plus, you can use it on any gadget you have.
Is the AI face generator free?
Yes, you can try it out for free! We want everyone to see how cool AI-generated faces can be.
Are the AI faces generated unique?
You bet! Every face our AI creates is totally unique. So you'll always get something that's just yours.
Can I use these faces for my business?
Our faces are perfect for advertisements, branding, or whatever else you've got in mind. Just make sure you follow the laws where you live.
How can I share my AI face generated or collaborate on a design?
To collaborate or share content, simply click on the "Share" button. Then, enter the email address of the person you wish to collaborate with. They'll be able to join you in making something awesome.
How long does it typically take for Cohesive AI to generate anime?
We're super speedy. Usually, you'll get your AI-generated face in seconds, unless you've got something really complicated.
Are there any limits to how many times I can generate content?
Yes, the free plan offers 20 AI portrait images. For more details you can visit our pricing page.

The AI face generator has been a lifesaver for my indie game development. I can create unique, lifelike characters in seconds, not hours. It's like I have an extra team member dedicated just to character design.

Indie developer using AI pixel art generator
Emily Foster
Game development

I'm in digital marketing, and the AI face generator has been a game-changer. I can quickly create custom faces that resonate with different target audiences for my ad campaigns. The results? Higher engagement and more conversions.

Portrait of a man
Kevin Patel
Digital marketing specialist

Experience more from Cohesive AI

Simple, powerful AI tools to elevate your content game. Trusted by creators everywhere to bring ideas to life.

AI writer

Refining words with precision, making every piece editorially exquisite.

AI voices

Voices that resonate, giving life to scripts with unparalleled AI clarity.

AI images

Crafting visuals that captivate, one AI-generated masterpiece at a time.

Starting with Cohesive AI is easy, fast, and free.

Ready to take your content to new heights? Unlock the power of AI content like never before. Our intuitive interface makes creating fantastic content a breeze, while our extensive library of templates and styles guarantees the perfect fit for every project.
Get started
Credit card mockups