Turn Referrals into Revenue 💰

Your network is gold! Introduce them to Cohesive AI and watch the commissions roll in, earning 30% for life with each paid subscription. Step into our affiliate program today — no strings attached!

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Get started in 3 easy steps!

Pick your favorite platform, for example - be it a blog, social media, or emails. Make sure you use our referral link always.

Step 1

Learn - dive deep into Cohesive AI’s features.

Step 2

Broadcast - share with peers and followers.

Step 3

Get paid - your passion, now your paycheck.

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Resources and FAQs

Who can sign up for this program?

All are welcome!

Are there specific geographic requirements for my audience?

Indeed. Referrals should be mainly from North & South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

How do you ensure genuine participation?

We rigorously vet to ensure no fake accounts, bots, or inauthentic followers are part of our program.

Are there any preferred content areas for this program?

Yes! We're keen on affiliates versed in AI or those targeting an audience keenly interested in AI themes.

What's the Cohesive AI Affiliate Program?

The Cohesive AI Affiliate Program allows individuals or entities to earn commissions by promoting Cohesive AI through a unique referral link. When someone signs up and makes a purchase using this link, the affiliate earns a percentage commission.

How do I know if I'm eligible to join?

To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years old. You'll need to register on Cohesive's Affiliate signup page and obtain approval for your promotional campaigns. Cohesive reserves the right to reject applications or terminate access based on the nature of the promotions.

How will I get paid?

Affiliates earn a percentage commission for every Qualified Referral, which is when a referred user successfully purchases a subscription plan on Cohesive's platform. Payments are processed between 45 to 70 days after the end of the month in which they accrue.

How can I introduce Cohesive AI to my audience?

After registering as an affiliate, you'll receive a unique referral link. You can then promote Cohesive AI using this link, but ensure your promotions are approved by Cohesive. Sharing the link without approval may lead to termination from the program.

Are there specific guidelines for the content?

Affiliates should maintain ethical marketing practices. Avoid false or misleading statements, use only approved promotional codes, and ensure that promotional methods don't harm Cohesive's reputation. Direct linking to Cohesive's platform from paid search ads or using Cohesive's name in domain names is prohibited.

What’s the assessment criteria for referrals?

A Qualified Referral is a new user who registers using your referral link and purchases a subscription plan within 60 days. Self-referrals, existing users, and referrals leading to cancellations or refunds within 30 days are not considered Qualified Referrals. Cohesive uses cookie-based tracking to identify these referrals.

What are the primary terms for joining the affiliate program?

The terms cover eligibility, participation, marketing practices, prohibited activities, referral rewards, payment procedures, and intellectual property rights. Affiliates must adhere to these terms and any other conditions communicated by Cohesive. You can read in detail here.

Are there any non-compliance penalties in the terms?

Yes, Cohesive reserves the right to withhold or cancel referral rewards for any non-compliance with the terms. This includes promoting without approval, unethical marketing practices, or any activity that contravenes the terms.

Do I need to sign any agreements to join?

By participating in the Affiliate Program, you inherently agree to Cohesive's terms and conditions, ensuring mutual understanding.

Affiliates love us

Join our growing community of affiliates and experience the outstanding quality of Cohesive AI. Let our powerful technology transform the way you communicate with your audience.


TikTok Content Creator

Making money from what I love seemed too good to be true, but then I gave Cohesive AI a shot. From the easy setup to the transparent payout process, everything's been a breeze. It's truly refreshing to have such a straightforward platform.


YouTube Content Creator

Being an influencer has its ups and downs, but Cohesive AI has definitely been a highlight for me. Not only do I get to create as I always have, but now there's a simple and direct way to see the rewards. It's been a game-changer for my content journey.


Instagram Content Creator

I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about Cohesive AI, but now I'm hooked. The platform is so easy to navigate, and turning my regular content into extra cash has been a dream. Honestly, it feels like I've stumbled upon a hidden gem.

Start creating with our Affiliate Program today

Ready to shine? Highlight your skills with our Affiliate Program and get upto to 30% commission per subscription.

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